Friday 7 November 2014

A New Game - 4000 BC Elizabeth of England :)
The link to this new game is: - hope to see you there :)

Wednesday 5 November 2014

A Changed Game - 1330 AD to 1345 AD

There has been a new Patch for Civilization 5. Things have changed and will affect this campaign.
Here I am buying a hex with the Tobacco resource for 480 Gold. In fact there are two more Tobacco hexes in the vicinity - the reason for deciding to build two cities, (a third is planned in Florida), in North America instead of South America.
A worker is sent to build a Plantation on the Tobacco hex.
The third Settler's route is plotted.
1335 AD: The Worker starts building the Plantation.
1340 AD: The Tobacco resource has disappeared!!
This one of the many changes which have altered the game - I spent 1000's of Gold purchasing units in North America for a colony which is of no use to me. In South America, today's Brazil, the investment would have been much more profitable.

I'm making this the last post because of the Patch update which I couldn't prevent happening unlike a Mod update. I have more than twice the number of VP's than my nearest opponent so there is no doubt who is winning this campaign.

I will start a new game so I'll keep you posted. Thanks to all who have been following this narrative. Until soon :)

Saturday 1 November 2014

Expansion in America - 1300 AD to 1325 AD

In the last post I founded our first City in the New World. The reason I didn't create a second City was because of the precarious Happiness Level. I don't want the Realm to become Unhappy again.

A Barbarian Hand-Axe Warrior has appeared on the scene and it gets bombarded by the Garrison of New Brunswick.and my Worker starts chopping down a Forest to accelerate the Monument build.

I found a second City, New York, further down the coast, start building a Monument then purchase a hex with the Tobacco resource.

The East Coast of North America at the end of my turn.
1305 AD: Another Trade Deal with Sweden....
....and I create Fishing Boats on a Fish hex North of Dakar.
The next round of combat North of New Brunswick. The enemy is first bombarded then the Lancers go in and destroys the Barbarian unit.

A Swordsman is on its way to New York.
Meanwhile back in the Old World the Courthouse has been completed in Constantinople and I choose to build a Circus next, (+2 Happiness).
Egypt and surroundings at the end of my turn.
1310 AD: I receive a new unit from M'Banza-Kongo, a Knight. It recives a Promotion and I move it to the Yerevan border.
I convert Adrianople to Judaism - I believe the Jewish faith should now be able to defend itself against other influences in this part of the world.
The enemy Brute is bombarded then.... Lancer now destroys the Barbarian Brute and disperses the Encampment collecting 225 Gold in the process.

I send the Swordsman to New York.
The Middle East at the end of my turn.
1315 AD: I start building a road from Cameroun to M'Banza-Kongo.
My Lancer receives Drill I promotion which helps when fighting in rough terrain.
I send my Great Prophet to NW Africa near to Oran. It can convert one more City to Judaism.
East Africa at the end of my turn.
1320 AD: Keeping a Worker busy again....
....and in New York I purchase a Work Boat....
....and that ends my turn.
1325 AD: I use the Work Boat to create Fishing Boats for New York....
....and that's all for this turn.
I finish this post with a Trade Deal - I export Spices to Sweden.
Until soon, guys :)

Thursday 30 October 2014

Colonization and Combat -1280 AD to 1295 AD

The Unhappiness in the last post was a shock! I have two Settlers on the way to the New World and I have to be careful not to use up too many Happiness Points.

The first of two captured Great Prophets is expended to create a Holy Site at a recommended hex. The extra Faith Points are welcome. I also build a Mine to near Oran...

Another Ancient Ruins explored and this one gives up some Gold this time.
A Harbour has been completed and a Colosseum is planned next - I need the Happiness Points...
The area around Constantinople and Madagascar at the end of my turn.

1285 AD: The Machinery Tech has been researched and I choose Chemistry next. I can now upgrade Composite Bowmen to Crossbowmen.

I convert Constantinople to Judaism and move the Great Prophet to Jerusalem. My next 'target' is the Arab City of Adrianople.

I send another Worker to help build the road to Brest-Litovsk - there are now four Workers allocated to this mission.
Both Settlers have safely arrived in North America.
1290 AD: I have think about taking Adwa some time in the's not Shaka's anyway...
I've received a Trebuchet in Carthage - after promoting it I send it to Iberia.

I renew my Trade Route to Ragusa and start building a road from Cameroun to Chad.

My Lancer in North America is nearing the Settlers in North America.
Here I am keeping a Worker busy again....
....and near Gao I create a second Holy Site.
I have enough Happines to found a new City which I call New Brunswick.
I start building a Monument then purchase a Worker.

Finally I bombard the nearby Barbarian encampment.
A view of New England and Central Asia at the end of my turn. Attila has lost Pasargadae to the Indians and Kombolcha is now under attack.

I send a Worker to support my second Settler....
....and my other Lancer is slower making ist way northwards.
New Brunswick bombards the Barbarians a second time - my Lancer is near.
The Ethiopian City of Lalibela has been captured by the Zulus. Ethiopia has been defeated.
I finish this post with a farewell greeting from Bismarck. Until soon :)